The best way I have found to farm money at level for is to run SM Graveyard solo (aside of course from saving money from leveling by not buying spells that won’t see much use. Likely one of the reasons there are so few horde druids compared to alliance druids. Tauren definitely became Druids after Malfurion. Tauren are, in a word, stoic, embodying the s… I didnt even realize it was different for the longest time, I feel like the giant hitbox they have paired with the fact that druids never melee out of form, would make tauren a lot worse than on PS, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hope this answers the question of what is better, Night Elf or Tauren druid. Your own Wiki Post confirms it with the Lore author. So whereas Tauren will run OOM far before a mob is dead, a Night Elf will run OOM much closer to the mobs death. Cue up a fat heal, fire off a juicy starfire, restealth, or even just just leave the fight. Especially for pvp. Comment by marth354 If I remember correctly Mark of the wild was single target and Gift of the wild was the party wide one. I’ve compiled a list of the biggest differences between the two druid races. Plus Druids get the awesome Teleport: Moonglade spell. It's a fact. If you are not sure why this is good you can visit our Herbalism Guide below to learn more. By level 20 the differences are not that noticeable. They live to serve nature and maintain the balance For the actual leveling experience of 1-20 you’d likely think there can’t really be that big of a difference between leveling two druids. So, depending on your playstyle, Night Elf can be more fun when leveling simply because it seems more necessary to actually cast spells. At face value it doesn’t seem like there are really any glaring differences. Level 60 Tauren Druid (Female) for Firemaw - Horde - Listing ID: VGS0072 | Price: from $274.00 USD to $342.50 USD - Comes with access to the associated e-mail address - (100% mount, epic/blue gear with many gear sets, Enchanting 300, Engineering 260, Cooking 300, First Aid 300, Fishing 280, AV exalted, MC+ONY+BWL attuned, 350 gold) It's weird how you say "it's a tough call" after listing like 5 advantages for nightelf and only 1 for tauren. Paladin/Shaman and Druid/Warlock. Cultivation is pretty great, I like it especially so because whenever I play druid I usually go herb and alch as they are my favourite profs. With that said, Tauren still have some pretty cool druid lore all things considered. But it’s actually a night and day difference between the two it’s not even funny. Full routes for Horde and Alliance (Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Night Elf) and all classes (Mage, Shaman, Warrior, Druid, Rogue, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Warlock). Although the dodge is nice if you plan on tanking. Fam I didn’t even know Tauren could be druids. Say you are questing in Eastern Kingdoms but need to head to Kalimdor for some reason, well, you can just teleport and be where you need pretty fast (unless you are going really far, like Un'Goro or Tanaris). Why couldn't blizzard let Taurens' auto attacks be head butting and goring animations? I'm 100% with you on Kodo mounts. Now for the shaman. ... Night Elf in PvP, on the other hand, and lets him escape danger in PvE more easily. Although maybe classic will be the time to switch things up a bit. Free Classic World of Warcraft 1-60 Leveling Guide by Navak, Egregious, Ayle, Defcamp & Kargoz. Depends on what you’re doing. Level 60 Tauren Druid [US] - Half Raid Gear + Epic Mount 100% Speed + MC/BWL Attuned + 50 Gold (Total) + Realm: Kirtonos Note: The account can be name changed to … Thanks for all the support everyone. For the Alliance, only Night Elves can play as Druids. Taurens cat form is alright. With that said, a shaman will have more of a chance to catch you than a paladin, but it probably won't happen. Also, Tauren bear form isn't my favourite either with its horns. While Warriors are the dominant tanks for most of the content, there are specific roles that Feral Druids can be decent for, making them a viable option. The large size of their mounts makes it so you can’t fit through some doors in the world which can be rather annoying. Warstomp is great - if I'm in Bear form and fighting solo & close to death, as a NElf I'm just screwed. The only real benefit nelf druids get is increased stealth by like 1 level. from Harb Clawhoof in Bloodhoof Village. To Night Elf Druid or to Tauren Druid? Druids are most often described as, "the jack of all trades, but master of none." This is not to say that the tauren are a race of pacifists, for when they are angered they are capable of retaliating with swift and decisive brutality. But I think at the end of the day you have to think about what you want to do. PvE vs PvP: If your goal is to PvE, without a doubt you should go Alliance. Whereas killing a paladin as a druid probably won't happen. Hmmm.... Let me know if I've missed anything and I will be sure to add it to this wall of text. Welcome to our Classic leveling guide for Druids. Your moonfire, insect swarm, and entangling roots will forever be dispelled. But there is where you are wrong! Also worth noting that Warlocks are a pretty big hardcounter to druids and horde generally tend to have a lot more of them. And as such, the horde have historically always had more warlocks than alliance, mainly due to WotF being really good and 50% of horde being undead. Warstomp on the other hand is excellent and has many uses. The +Dodge is nice if you are a Bear. Forms: Cat/Bear/Moonkin forms are different for both, and generally I think it's pretty unanimous that everyone thinks the NE models for their forms are much better. :o, Yeah, it's called bias. There will be plenty of herbs lying around in Durotar that other races simply won’t be able to harvest yet, but Tauren with their +15 skill will enable picking up all that Earthroot no one else has enough skill to … the other mark against tauren is the huge hitbox when in caster form, gonna get hit more by melee enemies in pvp, also i guess it takes slightly longer to get out of a boss' aoe in pve unless you change forms. But I heard that Warrior in Classic WOW is very strong. For Tauren it’s an 8 minute flight to Thunder Bluff. Hope you guys enjoy the video and it helps you to determine if druid is a good fit for you come Classic WoW! HORNS. Legion. Racials: (not sure how I didn't include this in the original post) It's been said that Night Elf don't really have an active racial. Under the leadership of their ancient chief, Cairne Bloodhoof, Fighting either of these classes as a druid poses separate problems and having either of these on your team will provide you with different benefits (no shit). 5% hp is big especially in pvp and tanking when you get lots of stamina at later gear levels, easily makes the difference between life and death in a lot of scenarios. The two races have remained steadfast allies ever since. Alliance. Also, as an NE druid having to fight orcs sucks. Lore: In my eyes Night Elf are THE druid race. the Tauren allied themselves with the Orcs during the invasion of the Burning The shaman is the opposite of the paladin, in that, all your dots will stay active on the shaman, your moonfire, insect swarm, and roots will stay, but you will not be able to rejuv or regrowth yourself because a good shaman will purge that shit off you right away. Since Horde will have to choose the Tauren Race just to roll Druid Class, the Tauren Racial Trait provides them with 5+ Herbalism Skill. Last updated on Sep 02, 2019 at 21:53 by Impakt 11 comments. Tauren can be played as the following classes in Classic. Shaman hard counter druid so bad it isn't even funny. Warstomp and 5% hp is really good. Since Tauren have so much health and base strength it’s more efficient for them to bear things where as Night Elf you can vary your play a lot more. Warstomp is generally very good in PvP, or if I get healing agro in a dungeon. And that's absolutely correct. Druids are one of Azeroth’s most unique classes, using their shapeshifting ability to dispatch of their enemies. Best Races for PvE WoW Classic DPS Feral Druids Only two races in WoW Classic can be Druids: Night Elf for the Alliance and Tauren for the Horde. Leveling 1-20: Both NE and Tauren starting zones are some of my favourite in the game. Might as well get to your corpse a little faster and get leveling again. It's a small thing but, like an Orc resisting a stun, a gnome war/rogue getting out of your roots can really ruin your day. Or at least it would be alright if it didn't have the face of a wyvern, because I do like its mane. Remember that Tauren never met Cenarius in the original timeline, and Malfurion was a druid before the Tauren met Cenarius. Instead of stomping the ground with his hooves, I think that Bootystomp stunned his enemies by slamming his booty on the ground. His existence and the Night Elven Druids was clearly lost to the winds of time in the Tauren mythology. Yeah warstomp is the big thing I'm jealous about as an alliance player. In a perfect world there would be two faction specific classes. I have to give the edge to Night Elf here just because I slightly prefer Teldrassil and Darkshore to Mulgore and Barrens, and because setting your hearth at Wetlands and having a free teleport to moonglade is great for getting around the world. 10-20: This is where things really differ. Shadowmeld is situational. On this page you can view all the Tauren Druid color variations for each form as well as check them out in 3D via Wowhead's Model Viewer. If yes, then you have come to the right place Today we will tell you some Druid Names with this help, such as ... Read more1404+ Best Druid Names+ Username Ideas June – 2020 for Boys and Girls … A geared ele shaman will be able to one shot you in any form. Tauren can be played as the following classes in Classic. Do you want to focus more on PvP and have better flight paths throughout the world? between the wild things of the land and the restless spirit of the elements. 1 Alliance 1.1 Night elf druids 1.1.1 Golden eyes 1.2 Passives 2 Horde 2.1 Tauren druids 2.2 Passives 3 Other druidic races 3.1 Furbolg druids 3.2 Centaur druids 3.3 Human druids 3.4 High elven and blood elven druids 3.5 Troll druids 3.6 Lost One druids 4 Starting attributes 5 References Night elven druidic traditions extend back further than most races have existed. Moonkin, although it's unlikely you will ever really roll one, definitely looks better for NE as well as it has these cool antlers. DKPminus is an enthusiast site for fans of legacy versions of World of Warcraft. The area can also have 3 rarespawns that have pretty decent drops. Not having to fight shaman OR orcs is huge. I want know how is strong druid. Mirlin-turalyon June 22, 2020, 9:40pm #12. i believe there is a player somewhere that thinks only nightelves can. Dueling a shaman is fun, challenging, and kind of annoying. He's clearly a NE. This just makes my last point even stronger for tauren bearform vs night elf variable caster/bearform playstyle. We’ve compiled up to date and accurate information for WoW private servers, we have a robust list of compatible WoW addons, and a list of comprehensive World of Warcraft guides!. The best profession for druid class is an easy one for horde and here’s why. Tauren as Druids makes sense I guess. Unfortunately, there are no racial abilities available make them better healers, though this is also true of … With shapeshifting, druids have the ability to fulfill any combat role in the game, making them excellent at leveling. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Also, being able to shadowmeld and eat is the bees knees. Well, it’s still faster to teleport to moonglade and then fly to darkshore than it would be to run all the way back. Also, if the fight goes south, you can always run away and the paladin will have no hopes of catching you. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Another reason not mentioned to run your Druid over to Durotar to level: the Tauren Herbalism bonus. General Information. How has no one mentioned front flipping for NE? It will honestly take like an hour of these runs to get your mount money. Literally BiS Jump throughout all of classic, you'll never replace it. Faction: As noted above, Warlocks are a hard counter to druids. Where the +dodge and shadowmeld are good they just really don't compare to warstomp and the +health you get as a tauren. Warrior players can train and use all weapon skills (with the exception of Wands). Nonsense! Even though all your dots will be dispelled at least you will be able to keep rejuv or regrowth on yourself, so at least there's that. So this battle is largely attrition based (as is most druid duels). 3. You have a lot more outplay potential vs a shaman and definitely more of an opportunity to actually kill the shaman. I like NE's bear more because it's more subtle in that the bear has night elf ears instead of horns. Their run animation is dumb and it gets even worst at 100% speed. the Tauren struggle to retain their sense of tradition and noble identity. I remember how jealous I was of the Highmountain Tauren horns when I first found out about them in Legion. Mained a Tauren Druid up until BfA since it's going to be a Highmountain Tauren now :) . I love the priest but i have been thinking about rolling a druid for classic. What to Expect from Blizzconline 2021? in Classic. Seeing that whirlwind and double attack go off naturally triggers a dopamine reaction. WoW Classic Druid Leveling Guide 1-60. For the Horde, only Tauren can. There are 3 specializations for Druids in Classic, unlike the 4 available on live. I’ve played on and off since vanilla, i am torn between these two classes. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Druid Specializations. Source: Tanking Druid at 60/ Cat leveling dude(me) who has leveled several Druids in Classic and in depth Knowledge through experience and reading. The Druid’s versatility also gives him a lot of choices in the talent tree, from the classic Feral/Resto to Boomkin or hybrid specs. 1-10: Taurens base int is so low that you will end up meleeing mobs to death where as Night Elves have a much higher base int and can cast freely until a mob dies, with maybe having to do one or two melee attacks. While leveling this is really good. Druid — Tauren is the only race available for Horde Druids, but the health boost from Endurance can be … There are 5 Tauren race mounts Once you get bear form the game changes. Press J to jump to the feed. Wisp form is also good. Switched as soon as they became a playable race. Paladins VS Shamans: Another great debate. However, I have saved myself from certain doom many times using a well timed warstomp to stun + heal. Sabers are probably the coolest mounts in the game and nothing will change my mind on that one. However, when roused by conflict, Tauren are Endurance : More health: more survival! It also happens to be one of the most fun buffs in the entire game. Also, I just find it more fun to use your entire arsenal while leveling rather that just sticking to bear form. Leveling tauren druid in vanilla I was always jealous of the night elf cat form. Which is actually really damn good. I'm definitely more for the horde than I am for the alliance, but with classic I'm kind of torn to be honest. Shaman players learn from an Enhancement talent. Now for PvE. Your … This is quite accurate since Druids are the only class in the game capable of fulling all four roles: tank, healer, ranged DPS, and melee DPS.However, every Druid specialization and build is considered sub-par for PvE and is outclassed by other classes that share the role. 1. The warstomp + heal combo or even warstomp + fucking run is great (also why I think tauren is the best shaman but I digress). So much to talk about for Druid! Yes this is true, but some people don't hold any true allegiance to a faction and just want to play something. Shadowmeld is great for when you need a second to just afk without fear of death or gank, but you have stealth as a cat, so really the only thing shadowmeld is good for is to eat and drink in stealth. Warstomp>Hibernate is an "I-win-button " vs nelf druids. If I'm Tauren I can pop out of form, Warstomp stuns the mob long enough that I can get off a nice HT or Regrowth before dropping back into Bear form to finish the fight. This spell is especially great for Night Elves because it is like a 2 minute flight from Moonglade to Darn. Feral Druids are not the best tanks in WoW Classic, but bring specific niche abilities that make having one a good idea for some raids. barrens of central Kalimdor. Horde also generally have less druids on their faction than alliance, so you might have a better time getting into raids on horde side since there will be fewer druids. The Guardian specialization, which Druids can use to tank in Battle for Azeroth, does not exist and is … Mounts: Level 40 mounts, while some will say they aren’t as important for druids because you get the SLICK travel form, are still really important to get. They can be played as Druids, Hunters, Shamans, and Warriors in World As stated, the Endurance trait naturally lends itself to making for strong Druid tanks, and the AoE stomp assists in crowd controlling a group of opponents, maintaining aggro, and mitigating damage by stopping attacks for a brief moment. Warstomp will save your life as a druid where as shadowmeld won't, at least not in the same way warstomp will. Don’t forget that your specialization will decide the role you’re going to play in any BG. of Warcraft: Classic. Both have nature resist (makes sense). First one was a male Tauren prot warrior named Bootystomp. Here, you will learn how to efficiently level your Druid all the way to Level 60. The 1% Dodge and the 5% Health are pretty even honestly but for pvp I'd probably take the health over dodge. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. explore their Shamanistic and Druidic teachings than spend their time fighting. Especially considering almost 100% of the time a raid will not have a druid tank, maybe an off tank. You can eat/drink practically anywhere with safety. WoW Classic Druid Starter Build and Leveling Guide Check out the best Leveling/Starter build for the Druid class in World of Warcraft Classic. While both Tauren and NE have decent racials for pvp, I have to give the edge to Tauren for the 5% hp buff and warstomp. One pvp thing to note is that NE druids don't have to deal with Gnomes and Escape Artist. You can solo these rarespawns no problem with smart engagements. Sadly this is not the case because it would be absolutely insane to balance. Biggest problem I'm having with the HM Tauren is we have no audio for /moo at the moment. Optimization during the pex phase that will last 7 to 10 days of play will decide everything else, of course. Taurens base strength and 5% increased health pool is insane for early leveling bear form. 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